Specialized Tests

Real Ear Measurements

Real ear measurements are the gold standard used to determine whether or not a hearing aid is providing appropriate and accurate sound quality needed at each frequency in order to achieve the best possible hearing signal. The size of your ear and the shape of the ear canal is different from person to person. Through real ear measurements, audiologists can confirm that sounds at each pitch are properly amplified for your specific hearing needs. During real-ear measurements, a thin probe microphone is inserted into the ear canal alongside the hearing aid. The audiologist obtains readings of the exact sound levels the user is receiving down at the ear drum while listening to various recorded speech samples. The audiologist can then precisely adjust the sound levels to match target amplification levels based on the hearing aid user’s hearing loss across the speech frequencies.

Industrial Hearing Test

Organizations such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have enacted requirements and procedures for hearing conservation in an effort to standardize hearing safety practices and reduce the incidence of preventable hearing damage in noisy work areas.

Advanced Audiology offers comprehensive audiological assessments and work-relatedness determinations for documented shifts in hearing thresholds.

Hearing damage is a real and unfortunate effect of long-term exposure to loud noise. Noise is a hazard of industrial workers and workers of any occupation who are repeatedly exposed to loud noise. Hearing damage from noise is fully preventable when the right precautions are taken from the start. Regular hearing tests to evaluate any early signs of hearing loss and everyday preventative measures, such as the use of ear plugs, can go a long way toward prevention of permanent hearing loss.

VNG Balance Evaluations

Vertigo, dizziness, and balance problems can be life altering. For many people it can affect their ability to do even the simplest daily tasks. If you are experiencing vertigo or balance issues, your doctor may want to refer you for a VNG balance evaluation.  We use specialized goggles to record and measure specific eye movements.  The three test situations include oculomotor testing (eye movements in response to a light on the wall), positional tests (eye movements in response to the head in different positions), and caloric testing (where air is put into the ear canal to measure the response of each inner ear system).

We do recommend the patient has a driver when leaving the appointment, as some patients may feel a little weary following the test.